I Feel Dirty - The Template

6:21 AM Friday, August 21, 2009

I Feel Dirty is a wordpress theme designed by Studio ST. It is converted to Blogger Templates by Blogcrowds.com.

I Feel Dirty is a free, dirty but clean template. It features heavy grunge style, but is also distinctive with large fonts for readability. The sidebar widgets have an alternating background making the sidebar as well as the template much more interesting.

Blogcrowds has released I Feel Dirty as a public blogger template. Feel free take a look, download it, and use it for your blog. As a agreement to using this template, you must keep all links and credits intact.


  1. keren nih

    Bayu Sutrisno

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. teeeeeeeesttttttttt


  4. ImgsFree : very nice template.


  5. very wonderfull template,for seo good or not???


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. Downloads and software reviews Yes, i feel the same!


  8. Unknown

  9. Anonymous

  10. Paparan yang sedang in Kalender Murah promo tentang Perheletan optimasi mesin pencari di Negeri ini aku usahakan , seuntai doa, dan usaha telah aku lakukan termasuk Radio Blitar Losta demi perjuangkan isi konten "MutiaraBijak.com Kata Kata Mutiara dan Kata Kata Bijak Cinta" semoga kalian punya do'a dan upaya mendukung weblog berisi nukilan "Anekahosting.com Web Hosting Murah Terbaik di Indonesia", ane mengetahui bahwa kita tahu Kios Online Toko Online Terbesar Di Indonesia juga detail cara dan tips.. cari rumah "citra Indah" sangat lumrah saat sekarang ini cari duit di internet apalagi dengan adanya program
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    SEO Jakarta

  11. kjkh


  12. hello world


  13. Du Lịch Đà Nẵng

  14. funny title :D
    awesome template, lightweight and user friendly
    I recommended

    Muhammad Abdulrahman

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